Summer TrainingIndustrial TrainingJob Oriented Programs

Summer Training

Summer Vocational Training commencing from the 2nd Week of May

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Industrial Training

Industrial Training for all Branches of Engineering and Diploma

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Job Oriented Programs

Job Oriented Programs of 3/6 Months Duration with 100% Placement Assistance

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Are you ready to embark on a journey of mastering Java programming? At LogicPro InfoSystems, we offer dynamic and industry-focused Java training programs that cater to beginners, intermediate learners, and seasoned developers in Lucknow. Whether you’re looking to start your programming career or enhance your existing skills, our Java courses are designed to meet your unique learning needs.

Why Choose Java Training at LogicPro InfoSystems?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our Java training covers a comprehensive curriculum, including core Java concepts, advanced Java frameworks, and hands-on projects. You’ll gain a deep understanding of Java’s versatility and applications in real-world scenarios.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts who bring years of practical experience to the classroom. Our instructors are committed to providing a supportive and interactive learning environment.
  • Practical Hands-On Learning: We believe in learning by doing. Our Java training includes practical sessions and projects, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Industry-Relevant Content: Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech industry with up-to-date, industry-relevant content. Our Java courses are designed to align with the latest trends and demands of the IT sector.
  • Career Guidance: Benefit from our career guidance services, which include resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. We’re invested in your success beyond the classroom.

Key Features of Our Java Training Program:

  • Core Java Concepts
  • Java EE (Enterprise Edition) Development
  • Spring Framework
  • Hibernate
  • Web Application Development with Java
  • Project Work and Assignments

Who Can Benefit from Our Java Training?

– Students and Fresh Graduates
– Software Developers Seeking Java Expertise
– IT Professionals Looking to Upgrade Skills
– Entrepreneurs and Tech Enthusiasts


Syllabus Of Java Training


Module 1

  • Introduction
  • Naming convention of Java language
  • Comments
  • Statements
  • Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Literals

Module 2

  • Primitive Data Types, Range
  • Reference(User defined) Data type
  • Variables (Primitive, Reference)Type Casting, Default Value
  • Operators
  • Problem Solving

Module 3

  • How to Install & set Path.
  • A Simple Java Program
  • Compiling & executing Java Program
  • Phases of Java Program
  • Analysis of a Java Program
  • Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error,
  • Runtime Exception
  • Name of a Java Source File
  • Platform Independence
  • Java Technology( JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
  • Features of Java
  • Text Editors
  • Consoles
  • Problem Solving

Module 4

  • Working with Control Structures
  • Types of Control Structures
  •  Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if else if, switch –case)
  • Repetition Control Structure (do –while, while, for)
  • Java program inputs from Keyboard
  • Methods of Keyboard inputs
  • Scanner, Buffered Reader
  • JOption Pane
  • Problem Solving

Module 5

  • What is Array
  • Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
  • Instantiation of an Array
  • String vs character array.
  • Accessing Array Elements, Default Value,for-each loop, varargs.
  • Length of an Array (What is ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception).
  • Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Problem Solving

Module 6

  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Using various Editors
  • Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
  • Using Eclipse IDE
  • Project Set Up
  • Source File Generation
  • Application Compilation and Run
  • Difference between C and C++ with Java
  • Problem Solving
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 7

  • Advantage of OOPs
  • Object and Class
  • Method Overloading
  • Constructor
  • static variable, method and block
  • this keyword
  •  Inheritance (ISA)
  •  Aggregation and Composi tion(HASA)
  • Method Overriding
  • Covariant Return Type
  • super keyword
  • Instance Initializer block
  • final keyword
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • static and Dynamic binding
  • Abstract class and Interface
  • Downcasting with instanceof

Module 8

  • Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling : What and Why?
  • try and catch block
  • Multiple catch block
  • Nested try
  • final ly block
  • throw keyword
  • Package and Access Modi fiers
  • Encapsulation
  • Object class
  • Object Cloning

Module 9

  • Multithreading
  • Sleeping a thread
  • Joining a thread
  • Thread Priority
  • Daemon Thread
  • Thread Pooling
  • Thread Group
  • ShutdownHook
  • Performing multiple task by multiple
  • Thread
  • Garbage Collection
  • Runnable class

Module 10

  • Synchronization : What and Why?
  • synchronized method
  • synchronized block
  • static synchronization
  • Deadlock
  • Interthread Communication
  • Interrupting Thread

Module 11

  • FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
  • ByteArrayOutputStream
  • SequenceInputStream
  • BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
  • FileWriter & FileReader
  • CharArrayWri ter
  • Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
  • Input from keyboard by Console
  • Input from keyboard by Scanner
  • PrintStream class
  • PrintWriter class
  • Compressing and Uncompressing File
  • Reading and Writing data simultaneously
  • DataInputStream and DataOutputStream

Module 12

  • Serialization & Deserialization
  • Serialization with ISA and HasA
  •  transient keyword
  • Socket Programming
  • URL class
  • Displaying data of a web page
  • InetAddress class
  • DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
  • Two way communication

Module 13

  • Introduction to JDBC
  • Steps to connect to the database
  • Connectivity with Oracle
  •  Connectivity with MySQL
  • Connectivity with Access without DSN
  • Driver Manager
  • Connection interface
  • Statement interface
  • ResultSet interface
  • Prepared Statement
  • ResultSet MetaData
  • Storing image
  • Retrieving image
  • Storing file
  • Retrieving file
  • Stored procedures and functions
  • Transaction Management
  • Batch Processing
  • JDBC New Features


Enroll Today for Java Training in Lucknow!

Ready to take the next step in your Java programming journey? Enroll in our Java training program and empower yourself with the skills needed in today’s competitive IT landscape. LogicPro InfoSystems is your trusted partner in building a successful career in Java development.

Contact us now to get started or visit our center in Lucknow for more information on upcoming batches, course details, and admission procedures.

*Unlock your potential with Java training at LogicPro InfoSystems – Where Skills Meet Success!*


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